The theme for 2024 is “Degrowth and Consumerism”

For far too long, we have been living in a world that applauds and encourages continuous growth, expansion, selling, and manipulation. It’s a world of over production and over consumption, but we’re running out of resources. Business as usual will not cut it anymore.
As last year’s closing keynote, Angelos Arnis put it “There is no planet B.”

On March 20-21, 2024, we’ll be discussing climate change, consumerism, and waste. We’ll talk about degrowth, and about unlearning decades of harmful production, development and processes. We’ll have talks about how consumerism will need to change in order for the planet to survive. We’ll show some practical examples of work we have already done, and open the discussion about what we as designers can do to make sustainable changes for the better and create fundamental, systemic change. 

Angelos Arnis speaking at UX Copenhagen 2023

2024 Speakers

More to be announced!

Designing Growth: Human-Centered Solutions for Sustainable African Agriculture



Accra, GHANA


By concentrating on agriculture—a sector vital to African economies and global food security—we highlight the necessity of designing solutions that are deeply aware of the local cultural, economic, and infrastructural contexts. How can tailored solutions meet immediate needs while fostering long-term sustainability and reducing environmental impacts?

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How to integrate a planet-centric mindset in your design research



Oslo, NO


Traditionally, design is all about consumer desirability. We know by now that this has created some unintended consequences for people, and for the planet. In this talk, Idun Aune will share her two cents on how to review and reshape your research process in a planet-centric direction.


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Responsible growth- focusing on continuous learning in business education to achieving circularity



Copenhagen, DK

Today, we are seeing increasing developments towards responsible growth. There is however still an urgent need to accelerate the agenda for circular growth to ensure future success for life on our planet. The place of continuous learning in responsible growth within the corporate sector and its collaboration across sectors is addressed in this urgency.
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Dare to degrowth



Copenhagen, DK


To have any hope of mitigating the consequences of irreversible climate change, we need to bring our economy back into balance with the ecology of the planet. Endless economic growth is neither possible, nor desirable. Therefore, we must abandon less necessary and harmful industries, while lowering inequality and improving social well-being.These are the key messages of degrowth.


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The regenerative way forward – with the use of responsible technology



Copenhagen, DK


The regenerative business is a concept and approach to business that goes beyond sustainability and aims to increase positive impacts on the environment, society, and the economy. It focuses on restoring, renewing, and revitalizing natural and social systems while generating long-term value for all stakeholders involved.


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The role of digital in circular and sustainable design



Amsterdam, NL


When we talk about circularity and circular design, we still mostly talk about physical products. It’shard to grasp the extent to which digital products also rely on physical resources in order to exist. When talking about waste, we still lack a proper conversation around how to promote durability and reusability in the digital realm.This talk aims at uncovering how the notions of circular design, degrowth and sustainability can – and should be – transposed to the digital domain and on reflecting on the role that we can play as designers.


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Workshop (online): An Ethical Framework for Planetary-Centric Design


München, DE and Zürich, CH


In a world where technology shapes our future outcomes, ethical design is not just a choice; it’s an imperative. This workshop offers a practical tool, an ethical framework for designers, rooted in principles from permaculture. It is a compass to navigate the complex interplay of creativity, innovation, economic viability, and social and environmental responsibility.


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Healthcare – how to consume less and live more



Manchester, UK


Healthcare systems around the world are under increasing pressure: an aging population, disease complexity, workforce shortages. People are living longer, but often with greater suffering and poorer quality of life. The amount of healthcare delivery is going up, but are we ‘living more’? We need to think and work differently and embrace the role of experts outside of science and healthcare. Bridging the field of User Experience with healthcare will help us realize the potential of innovation.

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Actionable, engaging, and unforgettable tips on increasing the engagement of 65+ segments



Tel Aviv, Israel


Dr. Michal Halperin-Ben Zvi’s main area of expertise is in increasing the engagement of “Third Age Users”. They are the fastest-growing category of e-commerce shoppers, yet 2 in 5 feel that technology was not designed for them, and they are twice more likely to abandon a digital product. Gaining a better understanding of their needs, wishes, and pain points will lead to more inclusive, right, and better products.

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Workshop: Unlock the Power of Object-Oriented UX



Warsaw, Poland


Based on his decade of experience working with the Object-Oriented UX (OOUX) methodology, this two-hour workshop delves into what Piotr Wójcik believes is a critical element in the design process. In a world where traditional approaches slice up complexity by verbs, OOUX emerges as the game-changer, enabling designers to break down systems by nouns, aligning seamlessly with how developers think, and enhancing collaboration across teams.

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Workshop: Visualizing Sustainable Happiness Beyond Consumption 


Seattle, USA


As more people in our society veer away from materialistic consumption, recognizing and championing innate, lasting sources of happiness is crucial. This workshop’s core extends beyond the mere representation of happiness; it dives deep into understanding its sustainability outside the bounds of traditional markers. 

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Workshop: Tech Ethics for Practitioners


London, UK


The focus of this workshop is to provide tech professionals with a practical skill set that can be used to minimize the likelihood of negative consequences occurring from our tech creations. With the prevalence of data-driven products and services that are becoming increasingly intelligent and automated, ethical thinking is a frontier skill set that needs to be developed if we hope to create responsible technology.

This workshop is for all tech professionals, regardless of discipline or experience.

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Building Together


New York, USA


After many years of trying, we are finally able to bring one of the leading voices of UX, Design, and Leadership to Copenhagen! Our closing keynote for 2024 is Jose Coronado, and he will be talking to us about how we are shifting from demand to contraction, and how focus on Inclusive Leadership, diversity, and mental health are essential for building committed, and high-impact teams

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Kind Commerce: challenging excessive consumption with mindful e-commerce design


Gothenburg, Sweden


UX Researcher Anna Rátkai of Recorded Future is coming to UX Copenhagen to talk about her passion project Kind Commerce. She wants to raise awareness and get more designers to advocate for an alternative approach toward e-commerce design.


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Embracing Degrowth and Sustainability in Automotive UX


Nyeri, Kenya


As an automotive engineer with a background in UX design, Elizabeth Musanga is passionate about the intersection of these two fields. “UX designers have a critical role to play in shaping a more sustainable future.”


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Dismantling ‘default thinking’ for inclusive innovation




Strategic Designer and Manager Ruby Pryor is the founder of Her talk challenges ‘growth-default’ along with other ‘defaults’ that inform product and design, and is a call to action to challenge the utility of defaults that inform our work. 


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Encouraging excessive shopping through mobile applications


Vâlcea, Romania 


Andreea is a UX Designer, Product Manager, and Mentor, with over 8 years of experience. This talk is based on her own research project, fueled by a passion for trying to be more sustainable in her everyday life. 

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Workshop: Growing Into Our Futures


Stroud, England


This two-hour workshop with Sensory Design Consultant Alastair Somerville is an introduction to the Design Council’s new Systemic Design Framework and their work to enable designers to work more productively in the Climate Crisis.

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Designing for a more equitable world with systems thinking


Seattle, USA


Sheryl Cababa is Chief Strategy Officer, and new author of Closing the Loop: Systems Thinking for Designers. With this talk, Sheryl discusses how to really make design thinking valuable.


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What is UX COpenhagen?

UX Copenhagen® is Denmark’s most
inspirational human experience conference!

At UX Copenhagen, you can expect to network with 200 people from all over the world. It is Denmark’s first, and longest running UX event. Our speakers are a wonderful mix of professionals, ranging from juniors to big names in the field. The attendees are UX professionals, design leaders, strategists, and marketing professionals – and those who work with, and around, them.
The 2024 event will be the 10th consecutive UX Copenhagen conference. The conference respects principles like having a diverse range of speakers, and presenting as many different points of view as possible on stage. We support charities, new startups, and initiatives that promote UX and doing good. 
The conference will be a hybrid event – in-person and online. We will be hosting hands-on, live workshops; and live Q&A sessions with each of this year’s speakers. There will be raffles, book sales, and lots of opportunity to network.



Ticket for the recording of the UX Copenhagen 2024 conference

Watch the recordings from UX Copenhagen 2024 “Degrowth and Consumerism”

DKK 2750


Get access to the recordings from the 2024 conference, including talks, Q&A sessions, and recordings of two of the workshops for a discounted price.


Please note that tickets are not refundable, as links will be sent to you immediately.


Reg. price: 2,750 DKK. Prices are ex. VAT.



Years of experience


Attendees per year


Speakers each year


Track of talks – no #FOMO


Workshop choices each day


So far, 168 people have spoken at UX Copenhagen over the years – some twice! Here’s a comprehensive list of all of our amazing speakers.


Some of the recordings are also available to view on our youtube channel:

Header image for UX Copenhagen 2024
Rachel Gogel speaking at UX Copenhagen 2024

Join us for our 10th annual “Human Experience” conference – in Copenhagen or online.

March 20-21, 2024 UX Copenhagen is so much more than a conference. It is a networking event for not just User Experience (UX) designers, but also for those who work with, and around, UX. It connects people from all over the world for essential conversations.

Our speakers are a wonderful mix of professionals, ranging from juniors new to the field to big names in UX and design. 

Attendees are UX professionals, design leaders, strategists, and marketing professionals and their teams, from all around the world.

The conference is a hybrid event – in-person and online. Each year, we host hands-on workshops, brilliant talks, and live Q&A sessions with each of the speakers. We also feature raffles, book sales, book signings, a dinner party, and networking with lots of wonderful people!


2024 sponsors!

THANK YOU to our wonderful sponsors, who are a HUGE support! 

Jungle Minds is sponsoring UX Copenhagen 2024
Recorded Futures is sponsoring UX Copenhagen 2024

Call for speakers
– Our call for speakers is open each year from June 1 – Sep 1.
(We are currently on hiatus until further notice.)